Member Guest

Oilfield HUB

Member Guest Features


What is a Member Guest?


At Leadstone Group we are working with our Exploration & Production members to enable their lists of preferred vendors onto Oilfield HUB. All of these preferred vendors automatically receive a Member Guest package, compliments of our Exploration and Production members.


This package allows Member Guests to experience and be a part of Oilfield HUB. It enables Member Guests to participate and do business with our Exploration and Production companies by enhancing relationships and collaboration and improve communications through Vendor Relationship Management and to increase productivity and gain greater cost efficiencies through Supply Chain Management.


With Oilfield HUB Member Guests will be able to:


  1. Keep their buyers well-informed about all of their available products, services and contact information in one central online site.
  2. Self-manage this information in real time so that their buyers are guaranteed to have the most up-to-date and accurate information about their company.
  3. Make it easier for their buyers personnel to connect with the appropriate staff at their company and to more easily exchange bids, order information and instructions.


To learn more about the features and benefits of being an Oilfield HUB Friend of the HUB, click on the feature below.
*Click on images to view a larger version

Configurable Profile
with Corporate Logo

Configurable and editable at any time by you, list your company contact information, website and products and services.

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Unlimited Catalogue of Your Products and Services, Searchable Online

List your products and services the way your clients search for them. Get out of directory mode into search mode and increase your chances of being found.

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Unlimited Contacts Accessible by your Customers

Create your own staff directory on your Microsite so your customers and the people you want to do business with can reach the right person the first time.

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Email Connection to Authorized Company Contacts

Prospects can email your company directly from your Microsite.
Increased communication between your clients, prospects and your company.

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Publicly Facing Friend of the HUB Microsite

Real time rendering of your contact information on both your public listing and private HUB Microsites so the right people can get in touch with you. Make your company and what you do known in the industry.

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Monthly Search History Analytics Covering Your Selected Products and Services and Listing Access


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A Complimentary Subscription to Oilfield PULSE

Receive a complimentary subscription to our trade journal. As a voice for our members, stay up to date on the important news and events of the oil and gas industry.

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*Example of Issue 3′s PULSE Advantage Custom Cover

